Wednesday, 4 January 2012

Happy 2012 to all!!!

Time flies! Especially when you are doing things you like and there is no stress.
My December resolutions are all accomplished, except one which is to exercise! Haha...well what can i say, except that I have been spending my time eating and eating instead of exercising, luckily I didn't gain weight :)
But anyway it shall go into my 2012 resolutions then. I think it's good to write down my resolutions because nowadays I really have short term memory; I cant really remember what I had done in 2011 =P

BUT I wouldn't write it here, it's personal =P

2012 shall be a good year for me! I will make it a good year! Cheers!

Start the year with boundless optimisim and determination!

Friday, 2 December 2011

It's December!

The Month of jingle bells, beautiful street lightings, decorated trees, delicious logcakes, yummy turkeys and many presents!

The Season of giving and sharing, meeting up with friends and spreading the love!

Haha. A Happy Month in short.

For me, it will be a really busy month. No, I havent found a job yet :(
But I'm really enjoying my time at home. Counting my blessings (who will not when u can sleep late on rainy mornings). I am going to be busy coz I have to prepare my home for the new year!

My Dec plan to prepare for the brand new 2012:

1st: To take my JLPT5 test this coming Sunday!
(hopefully I can pass the test, but the listening comprehension is a killer for me since I'm more of a visual than an audio person. *keep my fingers crossed*)

2nd: To re-paint the walls of my house!!! Most prob by myself :)
(excluding the ceilings, they are in pretty good shape. Only 2-yr-old and the white walls are pretty dirty with some stains, probably coz of the pesticide spraying. So I'm going to make my house beautiful and clean again!)

3rd: To clean every little part of the house!
(especially to clean the windows, remove the dust hidden in little corners of the cupboards and wardrobe, tidy up the empty room, throw away all the unwanted stuffs.)

4th: To start exercising! That's the only lacking part in my current 'healthy' lifestyle =P

5th: To have a great time catching up with friends!

6th: To bake more cakes/breads etc!

I'm looking forward to 2012!

Anything is possible if u have faith. 2012 will be a great year!


Thursday, 27 October 2011

I am so annoyed.
I bought my flat at a good price.
But it keeps giving me problems which often ended up costing us a lot of money.
Seriously I don't think it's a good deal anymore.
If I can sell it now, I think I will.
Too bad I can't.
Super x 10000000times Annoyed, Angry, Agonized...

Sunday, 23 October 2011

I was having a holiday with myself.

I had quit my job of 4 yrs. Then flew off to Japan immediately with my sis.
This was the first snooze.

I came back from the trip and began a struggling period to put things down and get used to doing nothing. This was the second snooze.

I started really enjoying the no-work life and began to do stuffs which I have always been wanting to do but have no time for.
This was the third snooze.

I started to feel bored again and this time I am really alone, with my hubby going overseas to work for 3 weeks. I really get to spend time with myself. I feel as if I am back to the stage where I was single and alone. I was responsible for what and who I am going to be.
This was the final snooze.

I think I got it.

Whatever you try to tell me.

I have grown so reliant on my hubby and family, I have forgotten myself, me and I.

I realise that now. Time to wake up from my dreams and to start making them come true.

It feels great. As if I am re-born.

Although the road ahead is still pretty much unknown now, I will work hard for my hubby, my family and most importantly, myself.


Thursday, 1 September 2011

I have just set up a baking blog!!!
If you like cakes and pastries, please go read it!

Anyway I am at this crossroad now, I have yet to decide which road to take.
There are many concerns and uncertainties; as well as many desires and wants.
I'm trying to sort out a way to fulfill all these thoughts.
I will try to update soon.
And I may close down this blog, haha the name is too long and complicated!!!
I want something simple, so I may eventually stick to my baking blog only.
