Wednesday, 16 June 2010

My Makeup Diary #1

If you know me personally, you will know that I don't put on makeup often.
BUT well, girls are girls, no matter what, basic makeup tools are still a must, and who can resist such pretty colours in small intricate packaging?!

Before I got married and moved out into my new house, I will always share/borrow makeup items like blush and eye powder colours with my sis. But now, I have to get my own collection!

Though I already have some of the basic items, I still lack a blusher + a brush!
And I miss the brush+blusher from Paul & Joe which I have used previously (shared with sis and left it for her). So last Sat, I finally made my way to the P&J counter in Taka. Salesperson is nice and helpful and I bought these! Love the glitering effect, salesperson said it's the pearl powder :) And look at the beautiful packaging! The marketing ppl sure know how to catch our hearts...haha

Left: Face color brush; Right: Face color (but I got it in another colour 07, bright reddish pink+ pale yellow).

And on Monday night, they were introducing this lipstick from Anna Sui on the show Nu Ren Wo Zui Da. AFter seeing the effects on the lips, I'm SO going to add this to my collection!

Lip rouge T- Tint

The packaging is superb nice also! I shall go try it out at their counter this weekend!

Oh my! How to resist nice colours and pretty packaging! =P