Thursday, 27 October 2011

I am so annoyed.
I bought my flat at a good price.
But it keeps giving me problems which often ended up costing us a lot of money.
Seriously I don't think it's a good deal anymore.
If I can sell it now, I think I will.
Too bad I can't.
Super x 10000000times Annoyed, Angry, Agonized...

Sunday, 23 October 2011

I was having a holiday with myself.

I had quit my job of 4 yrs. Then flew off to Japan immediately with my sis.
This was the first snooze.

I came back from the trip and began a struggling period to put things down and get used to doing nothing. This was the second snooze.

I started really enjoying the no-work life and began to do stuffs which I have always been wanting to do but have no time for.
This was the third snooze.

I started to feel bored again and this time I am really alone, with my hubby going overseas to work for 3 weeks. I really get to spend time with myself. I feel as if I am back to the stage where I was single and alone. I was responsible for what and who I am going to be.
This was the final snooze.

I think I got it.

Whatever you try to tell me.

I have grown so reliant on my hubby and family, I have forgotten myself, me and I.

I realise that now. Time to wake up from my dreams and to start making them come true.

It feels great. As if I am re-born.

Although the road ahead is still pretty much unknown now, I will work hard for my hubby, my family and most importantly, myself.
