Friday, 2 December 2011

It's December!

The Month of jingle bells, beautiful street lightings, decorated trees, delicious logcakes, yummy turkeys and many presents!

The Season of giving and sharing, meeting up with friends and spreading the love!

Haha. A Happy Month in short.

For me, it will be a really busy month. No, I havent found a job yet :(
But I'm really enjoying my time at home. Counting my blessings (who will not when u can sleep late on rainy mornings). I am going to be busy coz I have to prepare my home for the new year!

My Dec plan to prepare for the brand new 2012:

1st: To take my JLPT5 test this coming Sunday!
(hopefully I can pass the test, but the listening comprehension is a killer for me since I'm more of a visual than an audio person. *keep my fingers crossed*)

2nd: To re-paint the walls of my house!!! Most prob by myself :)
(excluding the ceilings, they are in pretty good shape. Only 2-yr-old and the white walls are pretty dirty with some stains, probably coz of the pesticide spraying. So I'm going to make my house beautiful and clean again!)

3rd: To clean every little part of the house!
(especially to clean the windows, remove the dust hidden in little corners of the cupboards and wardrobe, tidy up the empty room, throw away all the unwanted stuffs.)

4th: To start exercising! That's the only lacking part in my current 'healthy' lifestyle =P

5th: To have a great time catching up with friends!

6th: To bake more cakes/breads etc!

I'm looking forward to 2012!

Anything is possible if u have faith. 2012 will be a great year!
