Friday, 3 December 2010

Hehehe *grins with a wide goofy smile*

I have booked my air tickets and accomodation to Japan next year in early April!!!

Cherry blossom, here I come! (praying hard that they will bloom during my 10-day stay there)

I will be going free and easy to Osaka, Nara, Kyoto and Tokyo, come to think of it, 10 days are really short if I want to cover all of these places, but well, Japan is an expensive country and this trip is already going to be a 'luxury' one (hehee..I'm not a budget traveller =P) So hopefully I will still be able to see, eat and experience as many things as possible ^_^

I can't wait for it to come! And I need to brush up my Japanese as much as possible! *hopping around in joy*


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