Monday, 21 February 2011



It's just a simple 道理, yet we often live blindly in life.

Time to wake up and realise my dreams!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

A Surprise gift on Valentine's Day

From my dearest hubby!!!

He came home late with nothing in his hands, I thought he REally didnt get me anything :(

Turned out that he did put in effort to give me a lovely surprise :)

LOVE! (hubby and the bag)

haha ^_^


Monday, 14 February 2011

OPI Nail Polish Frenzy (Continued)

This is yet another OPI that I bought from online spree; it is a lovely soft reddish pink with tiny sparkling orangish glitter. Loud yet soft. Nice!

OPI- Chapel of Love

And these are the nails for CNY, how appropriate! :)


Thursday, 10 February 2011

Crossroads  (Episode #1)

At this point of life, everything seems rosy and smooth-sailing on the surface.
But who will know what lies beneath. The turmoil for a direction.
Direction in life, direction in career, direction in belief.
I think I'm most likely facing a delayed quarter-life crisis. Or have been since i hit 25.

Everyday I'm trying to think of things or plans which I think will make me feel better.
Suddenly I feel like discontinuing my Japanese language course and take up photography instead.
Yes, it's that kind of impulse out of nowhere.
Maybe I'm too bored with my life. I think I need new stimulus. Yes, so do you 'see' my crisis?


Probably I should just stop everything and do nothing for a while. To see if it makes me feel 'better'. Cheers.


Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!!!
(in few hrs' time)

(Newly-bought "fu gui zhu")

It's time to eat, play and become fat again!
This year is my 1st year to give angpows/eat reunion dinner with my hubby's family/celebrate CNY in our cosy house + a lot of cleaning-up! Mixed feelings. Not sure what to expect, but am sure it will be an experience :) Ok, i'm going to get ready to go for the yummilicious reunion dinner!

Have a wonderful Chinese New Year!
