Thursday, 21 April 2011


I feel cheated by the stupid local telecom by using their overseas calling card, just because I did not manage to catch their tiny-weeny disclaimer located all the way at the bottom of the webpage.

Please do not bother to buy/use their calling card if afterall you intend to call back using your mobile phone.
This card only works if you call back using the public phones (seriously speaking, I can't remember seeing public phones during the HK trip, maybe extinct already just like in Spore).

BUT the last time I used such calling card on my hp from their rival, I don't remember getting charged for the local overseas calls. Wasted my time to buy/use the cards, only to find out that I will spend lesser if I just call back directly from my hp. Stupid telecom @#$%!  

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Back from Hongkong!

I'm glad to be back home, just because there is fresher air and nicer food here; otherwise i can jolly well keep on enjoying myself in HK.

^Not sure if my tastebuds have changed or they have upgraded themselves, but i'm not impressed by the food this time round. Food that tasted great in my memory only taste good or normal this time. I'm not even smitten by the dim sum; po luo bun still tasted good but not that great like last time. Weird. 

^HK sure have changed a lot since my last trip 3 yrs ago; now they all can speak Mandarin (even cha chan teng). Well I guess, with the Influx of Mainland tourists, they have no choice but to adapt.

^The air there is still as bad and ppl are smoking as if cigarettes are free. This is a big NO-NO for me because it worsened my sinus. So, ppl with sensitive nose, please watch out.

^Indeed, HK is just another city country like us, I felt at ease there but not excitingly happy by this trip.

^Glad that there are other different fashion shops not found here like H&M which kept me occupied for hours. Happy that the skincare and cosmetics are selling cheaper there, so I can loot them back.

^On another note, Macau is really a casino land; it seemed like casinos are at every turn and corner. At least there are yummy almond cookies and such for us to bring back. 

My fav walnut cookies from Heng Heung

How I wish I can go for a real Tour soon! Somewhere not familiar....

Sunday, 3 April 2011

I finally got the bag I wanted for a long time!

It is The Bag which got me hooked onto Kate Spade NY this year.
It is actually from last year's designs, so it's not longer sold in shops or online when I want to get it this yr.
But I happened to come across this website selling designer bags and they have a bazaar sale today and this bag is on the sale list!!! Venue near to my house too!!!

So it means I Must Get It!

Though it's still not that cheap, but I'm really happy that I finally got the bag I want!


(Picture taken from BeSurprise)

I reached super early at 10 when the event started at 11, but there is already a queue of 10+ people. Lucky I am kiasu, because all the bags (of this design) got snatched up within few mins. Heehee happy I got mine!!!

And I got a 'new' DSLR too!!!

Haha, actually it's 2nd-hand, don't want to buy brand new one since i'm like super amateur and I just want a camera to take photo. Best part is, it costs only $400 (350D camera body + lens with stabiliser). I like it! Because it's small and light, just nice for me! Bringing it to test out at RWS tomorrow! 

Just for fun!
Our family of cameras (as in cameras in our house)
So cute!

From right: hubby's 1D, hubby's 7D and my 350D
(The ezlink is there for comparsion purpose.)

Ok I shall go RWS and HK to take lots of photos! Cheers!