Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Back from Hongkong!

I'm glad to be back home, just because there is fresher air and nicer food here; otherwise i can jolly well keep on enjoying myself in HK.

^Not sure if my tastebuds have changed or they have upgraded themselves, but i'm not impressed by the food this time round. Food that tasted great in my memory only taste good or normal this time. I'm not even smitten by the dim sum; po luo bun still tasted good but not that great like last time. Weird. 

^HK sure have changed a lot since my last trip 3 yrs ago; now they all can speak Mandarin (even cha chan teng). Well I guess, with the Influx of Mainland tourists, they have no choice but to adapt.

^The air there is still as bad and ppl are smoking as if cigarettes are free. This is a big NO-NO for me because it worsened my sinus. So, ppl with sensitive nose, please watch out.

^Indeed, HK is just another city country like us, I felt at ease there but not excitingly happy by this trip.

^Glad that there are other different fashion shops not found here like H&M which kept me occupied for hours. Happy that the skincare and cosmetics are selling cheaper there, so I can loot them back.

^On another note, Macau is really a casino land; it seemed like casinos are at every turn and corner. At least there are yummy almond cookies and such for us to bring back. 

My fav walnut cookies from Heng Heung

How I wish I can go for a real Tour soon! Somewhere not familiar....

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