Friday, 25 March 2011

My workplace is Dangerous.

I always know that my workplace is a dangerous place, with all the chemicals and biological agents that we are handling. However it never really dawns on me that it can REALLY become Dangerous....until this tuesday...when there was a spillage leading to brown gas spreading inside the company building.

Luckily it happened during lunchtime when most people were out for lunch, including me. Everyone was evacuated and then after 1 hour of waiting at the opposite grass patch, we were sent home. Luckily there was someone at home because I went home with only my wallet, handphone and an umbrella. Those who left their keys or important stuffs inside the building just had to wait few hours before they are allowed to go in.

Sometimes it really needs something to happen before you can really know how good your safety emergency measures are. For my company, I think it sucks. No alarm (doesn't mean no fire then cannot ring the fire drill what), evacuation done manually (by security guards going around asking ppl to go out). What if the gas is some really toxic or poisonous gas?!! Horrible. And no one informs the crowd gathering outside of the situation inside the building, just let us wait and wait. After that still don't tell us what had happened until someone asked. And they told us the gas is not toxic. Lame. Brown chokingly pungent gas. Not toxic? Want to bluff who. It may just be not that dangerous in small quantities but certainly harmful in one way or another. *slaps head*

Anyway, I will certainly look out for myself now more than ever during work. Because it is really Dangerous.


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