Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Looking forward to Next Week

Next week will be a busy and fun week. I hope. *fingers crossed*

Because I'm going for a 2D1N staycation at RWS Hard Rock hotel.
Universal Studios Singapore, here I come! (Thought I still hope to visit the one in Osaka)

And the next morning after the staycation, I'm flying off to Hongkong for a 5D4N stay!
Flying off in an aeroplane. Yippee!
This is a very last-minute decision because hubby will be busy with work all the way till Sept (no long leave!) and the only available slot is the original Japan trip slot, so yup, Hongkong here we come~
Actually both of us have been to HK twice already, but well, there are still some places we haven't been to, so I'm sure we will have a great time!
The only thing I'm slightly worried about is the radioactive winds that are blowing in HK direction!!!
Yes I know the quantities are like really minute, but just can't help worrying that the levels will increase. Praying hard that the wind will change direction or slow down or whatever, just please don't reach HK and Macau (at least not any higher quantities)!
Luckily the weather is cold there because I will definitely cover myself up. Haha. I'm paranoid (and everyone knows).
Hopefully things will take a turn for the better for all people!

*Actually Singapore is the safest now, no idea why i die die must go overseas, crazy me...blah blah....*


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