Monday, 14 March 2011

A Really Bad Week

First, I have moved back to my parents' house to stay yesterday. No worries, nothing wrong with hubby and me. Still remember the bugs' revenge?!! Apparently it got worse, both of my legs got really badly bitten by some unknown insects. And after calling the pest control company again, they will be coming down this week to spray the house again. And we cannot clean (aka evacuate) the house for at least a week, so we decided to move back to our respective parents' houses for the coming 2 wks. Praying hard that every bug/insect inside the house or near the house will be fully exterminated this time!!!! *Fingers crossed*

And secondly, I will be cancelling my Japan trip (which I'm supposed to go end of this month).
It's really saddening, for Japan and her victims, as well as to me.
Thinking of this trip for 1 year, planning for 6 months and then cancelled in 1 day.
Really no fate. But no choice.
Apart from the quake and tsunami, they are facing an imminent nuclear power crisis. I mean how do u convince yourself to go in such situation...
And feel really terrible watching/reading the news coming from the affected areas, I really hope and will pray hard for Japan to get through this disastrous crisis. I really do hope to go there someday. Soon.


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