Wednesday, 2 March 2011

What an expensive month! (For my house)

First, contacted Da*kin to remove the bird nest from my air-compressor. (Finally!!!!)
Luckily they are very kind to charge it under general maintainance which means no payment needed! ^_^

Second, I just contacted Rentok*l to come and fumigate my whole house to kill all the bugs!!!
Costs a bomb! Hopefully will blow ALL the insects up!

Third, I have made arrangements with my contractor to remove my bathtub which is breeding bugs too.
Costs a lot more since we need to patch up the bathroom! *heartpain*

Lastly, I hope all unwanted guests (yes, i'm referring to u the irritating bugs!!!) will be gotten rid of now and forever!!! *praying hard*

Why can't I have some normal insects in my house like ants instead?!?!?!?! $#%!@!

Give me some peace.


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