Friday, 2 December 2011

It's December!

The Month of jingle bells, beautiful street lightings, decorated trees, delicious logcakes, yummy turkeys and many presents!

The Season of giving and sharing, meeting up with friends and spreading the love!

Haha. A Happy Month in short.

For me, it will be a really busy month. No, I havent found a job yet :(
But I'm really enjoying my time at home. Counting my blessings (who will not when u can sleep late on rainy mornings). I am going to be busy coz I have to prepare my home for the new year!

My Dec plan to prepare for the brand new 2012:

1st: To take my JLPT5 test this coming Sunday!
(hopefully I can pass the test, but the listening comprehension is a killer for me since I'm more of a visual than an audio person. *keep my fingers crossed*)

2nd: To re-paint the walls of my house!!! Most prob by myself :)
(excluding the ceilings, they are in pretty good shape. Only 2-yr-old and the white walls are pretty dirty with some stains, probably coz of the pesticide spraying. So I'm going to make my house beautiful and clean again!)

3rd: To clean every little part of the house!
(especially to clean the windows, remove the dust hidden in little corners of the cupboards and wardrobe, tidy up the empty room, throw away all the unwanted stuffs.)

4th: To start exercising! That's the only lacking part in my current 'healthy' lifestyle =P

5th: To have a great time catching up with friends!

6th: To bake more cakes/breads etc!

I'm looking forward to 2012!

Anything is possible if u have faith. 2012 will be a great year!


Thursday, 27 October 2011

I am so annoyed.
I bought my flat at a good price.
But it keeps giving me problems which often ended up costing us a lot of money.
Seriously I don't think it's a good deal anymore.
If I can sell it now, I think I will.
Too bad I can't.
Super x 10000000times Annoyed, Angry, Agonized...

Sunday, 23 October 2011

I was having a holiday with myself.

I had quit my job of 4 yrs. Then flew off to Japan immediately with my sis.
This was the first snooze.

I came back from the trip and began a struggling period to put things down and get used to doing nothing. This was the second snooze.

I started really enjoying the no-work life and began to do stuffs which I have always been wanting to do but have no time for.
This was the third snooze.

I started to feel bored again and this time I am really alone, with my hubby going overseas to work for 3 weeks. I really get to spend time with myself. I feel as if I am back to the stage where I was single and alone. I was responsible for what and who I am going to be.
This was the final snooze.

I think I got it.

Whatever you try to tell me.

I have grown so reliant on my hubby and family, I have forgotten myself, me and I.

I realise that now. Time to wake up from my dreams and to start making them come true.

It feels great. As if I am re-born.

Although the road ahead is still pretty much unknown now, I will work hard for my hubby, my family and most importantly, myself.


Thursday, 1 September 2011

I have just set up a baking blog!!!
If you like cakes and pastries, please go read it!

Anyway I am at this crossroad now, I have yet to decide which road to take.
There are many concerns and uncertainties; as well as many desires and wants.
I'm trying to sort out a way to fulfill all these thoughts.
I will try to update soon.
And I may close down this blog, haha the name is too long and complicated!!!
I want something simple, so I may eventually stick to my baking blog only.


Monday, 18 July 2011

An Ending To The Magical World of Harry Potter

The time has finally come for me to say goodbye to Harry Potter and his friends; by watching the last Harry Potter movie: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2.

I have always liked this type of fiction- the type with magical powers, or maybe you can put it as children fiction stories like Roald Dahl's Charlie and the Chocolate factory and so on. I find it absolutely fascinating :) I guess the child in me hasn't really grown up yet =P

But I will like to say I love the books, not so much for the movies though. Too much details and emotions had been left out in the movies. Reading the books is still much more enjoyable. I usually only read a book once, except for Harry Potter series which I will re-read all the books every time a movie come out. It's strange because I never get tired of it.

It's kinda sad; it has been 12 years since I first landed myself into this magical world (or rather my friend did by giving me the book Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban as birthday gift). But I guess I will never really say goodbye to it, will dig out the books and read them sometimes. I think I will still need some kind of magic at some points of life :)

Cheers to Love and Magic.

Friday, 24 June 2011

Quote of The Day

"Ready for change and ready to change."

Am I?

Are you?


Thursday, 9 June 2011

It is hard to blog when your heart is still and your mind is blank.

I need a shock (a good one, I hope) to jolt me out of this conscious concussion.

Till then maybe I will return.

Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Peperoni Pizzeria (Hillcrest)

Having heard friends raving about this pizza place, we just have to check it out (especially when I'm having craving for Italian cuisine). It is tucked somewhere in a quiet corner in Bukit Timah (behind NJC), Greenwood Avenue to be exact. (Reservation is highly recommended especially if you want indoor seats since there are only 6, 7 tables inside.)


Hubby (an avid potato lover) insisted on this dish. *roll eyes*
(A side note: we had to takeaway this truckload in the end because we were full to the brim)

 Portobello mushroom with chicken
Taken on my iphone

A nicer, sharper image by the DSLR

This is yummlicious! Please do not be mistaken, that white pile on top is the chicken strips and that big round fried object at the bottom is the Portobello Mushroom! The mushroom is coated with a rather thick batter, but still it tasted great especially with the wild rocket. I suggest at least 2-3 pax sharing for this dish or it can get overwhelmed with its rich flavours.

Large pizza (12 inches) with 2 flavours-
 Classic pepperoni and Fruitti Di Mare(seafood)

The pizza is nice; the Pepperoni is flavourful but too salty and the Fruitti Di Mare is full of seafood flavour, the clams, fish, calamari and prawns are fresh, I like this better. Service is so-so, some are friendly and some need improvement. Initially I went with the impression that it is a posh italian pizzeria, oh man I was so wrong. First it's not posh at all, it's more of shabby style and the pizza is a bit more american than italian style if you ask me. Anyway they are famous for their XXL pizza which can easily serve 5-6 people. And they have no service charge.

Conclusion: It's not really worth the effort getting there if you have no car. More suitable for a gathering than a date. And it makes me miss Loui's NY pizza @ USS, how I wish they can set up another branch somewhere else.
Above are my five cents' worth.

Thursday, 21 April 2011


I feel cheated by the stupid local telecom by using their overseas calling card, just because I did not manage to catch their tiny-weeny disclaimer located all the way at the bottom of the webpage.

Please do not bother to buy/use their calling card if afterall you intend to call back using your mobile phone.
This card only works if you call back using the public phones (seriously speaking, I can't remember seeing public phones during the HK trip, maybe extinct already just like in Spore).

BUT the last time I used such calling card on my hp from their rival, I don't remember getting charged for the local overseas calls. Wasted my time to buy/use the cards, only to find out that I will spend lesser if I just call back directly from my hp. Stupid telecom @#$%!  

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Back from Hongkong!

I'm glad to be back home, just because there is fresher air and nicer food here; otherwise i can jolly well keep on enjoying myself in HK.

^Not sure if my tastebuds have changed or they have upgraded themselves, but i'm not impressed by the food this time round. Food that tasted great in my memory only taste good or normal this time. I'm not even smitten by the dim sum; po luo bun still tasted good but not that great like last time. Weird. 

^HK sure have changed a lot since my last trip 3 yrs ago; now they all can speak Mandarin (even cha chan teng). Well I guess, with the Influx of Mainland tourists, they have no choice but to adapt.

^The air there is still as bad and ppl are smoking as if cigarettes are free. This is a big NO-NO for me because it worsened my sinus. So, ppl with sensitive nose, please watch out.

^Indeed, HK is just another city country like us, I felt at ease there but not excitingly happy by this trip.

^Glad that there are other different fashion shops not found here like H&M which kept me occupied for hours. Happy that the skincare and cosmetics are selling cheaper there, so I can loot them back.

^On another note, Macau is really a casino land; it seemed like casinos are at every turn and corner. At least there are yummy almond cookies and such for us to bring back. 

My fav walnut cookies from Heng Heung

How I wish I can go for a real Tour soon! Somewhere not familiar....

Sunday, 3 April 2011

I finally got the bag I wanted for a long time!

It is The Bag which got me hooked onto Kate Spade NY this year.
It is actually from last year's designs, so it's not longer sold in shops or online when I want to get it this yr.
But I happened to come across this website selling designer bags and they have a bazaar sale today and this bag is on the sale list!!! Venue near to my house too!!!

So it means I Must Get It!

Though it's still not that cheap, but I'm really happy that I finally got the bag I want!


(Picture taken from BeSurprise)

I reached super early at 10 when the event started at 11, but there is already a queue of 10+ people. Lucky I am kiasu, because all the bags (of this design) got snatched up within few mins. Heehee happy I got mine!!!

And I got a 'new' DSLR too!!!

Haha, actually it's 2nd-hand, don't want to buy brand new one since i'm like super amateur and I just want a camera to take photo. Best part is, it costs only $400 (350D camera body + lens with stabiliser). I like it! Because it's small and light, just nice for me! Bringing it to test out at RWS tomorrow! 

Just for fun!
Our family of cameras (as in cameras in our house)
So cute!

From right: hubby's 1D, hubby's 7D and my 350D
(The ezlink is there for comparsion purpose.)

Ok I shall go RWS and HK to take lots of photos! Cheers!

Wednesday, 30 March 2011

Looking forward to Next Week

Next week will be a busy and fun week. I hope. *fingers crossed*

Because I'm going for a 2D1N staycation at RWS Hard Rock hotel.
Universal Studios Singapore, here I come! (Thought I still hope to visit the one in Osaka)

And the next morning after the staycation, I'm flying off to Hongkong for a 5D4N stay!
Flying off in an aeroplane. Yippee!
This is a very last-minute decision because hubby will be busy with work all the way till Sept (no long leave!) and the only available slot is the original Japan trip slot, so yup, Hongkong here we come~
Actually both of us have been to HK twice already, but well, there are still some places we haven't been to, so I'm sure we will have a great time!
The only thing I'm slightly worried about is the radioactive winds that are blowing in HK direction!!!
Yes I know the quantities are like really minute, but just can't help worrying that the levels will increase. Praying hard that the wind will change direction or slow down or whatever, just please don't reach HK and Macau (at least not any higher quantities)!
Luckily the weather is cold there because I will definitely cover myself up. Haha. I'm paranoid (and everyone knows).
Hopefully things will take a turn for the better for all people!

*Actually Singapore is the safest now, no idea why i die die must go overseas, crazy me...blah blah....*


Friday, 25 March 2011

My workplace is Dangerous.

I always know that my workplace is a dangerous place, with all the chemicals and biological agents that we are handling. However it never really dawns on me that it can REALLY become Dangerous....until this tuesday...when there was a spillage leading to brown gas spreading inside the company building.

Luckily it happened during lunchtime when most people were out for lunch, including me. Everyone was evacuated and then after 1 hour of waiting at the opposite grass patch, we were sent home. Luckily there was someone at home because I went home with only my wallet, handphone and an umbrella. Those who left their keys or important stuffs inside the building just had to wait few hours before they are allowed to go in.

Sometimes it really needs something to happen before you can really know how good your safety emergency measures are. For my company, I think it sucks. No alarm (doesn't mean no fire then cannot ring the fire drill what), evacuation done manually (by security guards going around asking ppl to go out). What if the gas is some really toxic or poisonous gas?!! Horrible. And no one informs the crowd gathering outside of the situation inside the building, just let us wait and wait. After that still don't tell us what had happened until someone asked. And they told us the gas is not toxic. Lame. Brown chokingly pungent gas. Not toxic? Want to bluff who. It may just be not that dangerous in small quantities but certainly harmful in one way or another. *slaps head*

Anyway, I will certainly look out for myself now more than ever during work. Because it is really Dangerous.


Thursday, 17 March 2011

Emotions run high...

I have been in a mourning state for the past few days.
Mourning for Japan and mourning for myself (my cancelled trip).
Processing all the cancellations is really heart-breaking.
I feel really sad to email the hotel/airline to tell them I have to cancel my trip because something so terrible have happened in your country (I think they should be feeling much much worse than me).
But still, I must say we are still lucky, we did not suffer any loss from cancelling the trip, instead still able to profit a bit from the exchanging back of currency (something I still cant understand how). And I have donated this money to the Red Cross for the disaster.

And by the way, I must really praise ANA, they really have good service; at the first moment, they offer to fully refund everything (flight fees (even promo fares) and JR pass fees) without any conditions (don't even charge you processing fees). And Japan hotels don't charge you anything if you cancel early (even promotion rates). I'm surprised because I do know some countries' hotels will still charge you certain % for normal/promo rates. As for websites selling flight tics and hotel stay at cheap prices, sorry this is business for them. So I'm rather glad I'm a skeptic person who doesn't really trust these websites.

On another sad note, my sis's longtime close friend just passed away yesterday. So sad, she just lived opposite our block (my parents'), I will also bump into her occasionally in the neighbourhood. Such a nice young girl. What a real pity and sadness. Gastric discomfort, 3 weeks' stay in hospital and sudden demise. She didn't even suffer any terminal illness and docs couldn't find out what's wrong with her. Life is so vulnerable. My sis is devastated and I also dunno how to console her. I can only hope that may her friend rest in peace.

So, please treasure your loved ones. Work is never-ending. Spend some time with them. Spend some time with yourself. Don't regret.


Tuesday, 15 March 2011

So much evil in this world...

I just realise what a "Humane" world I'm living in.
Humans are indeed very dangerous creatures, you never know what/who lives in there.
Can be an angel or a devil.
And the brain is the most dangerous organ, you never know what will come out from it.
Pure goodness or pure evil.

Living is already so difficult in sooo many ways.
Why not make this world a kinder one?
You never know who gets the last laugh.

I just wish for a better tomorrow with my loved ones around me.


Monday, 14 March 2011

A Really Bad Week

First, I have moved back to my parents' house to stay yesterday. No worries, nothing wrong with hubby and me. Still remember the bugs' revenge?!! Apparently it got worse, both of my legs got really badly bitten by some unknown insects. And after calling the pest control company again, they will be coming down this week to spray the house again. And we cannot clean (aka evacuate) the house for at least a week, so we decided to move back to our respective parents' houses for the coming 2 wks. Praying hard that every bug/insect inside the house or near the house will be fully exterminated this time!!!! *Fingers crossed*

And secondly, I will be cancelling my Japan trip (which I'm supposed to go end of this month).
It's really saddening, for Japan and her victims, as well as to me.
Thinking of this trip for 1 year, planning for 6 months and then cancelled in 1 day.
Really no fate. But no choice.
Apart from the quake and tsunami, they are facing an imminent nuclear power crisis. I mean how do u convince yourself to go in such situation...
And feel really terrible watching/reading the news coming from the affected areas, I really hope and will pray hard for Japan to get through this disastrous crisis. I really do hope to go there someday. Soon.


Wednesday, 9 March 2011


I think the bugs wanted revenge.

The pest control company came on Monday morning to carry out the fumigation massacre AND I got bitten on my leg by some unknown insects the next day!!!!

And now I'm itching like @$!%&*!

No idea if I got bitten by bed bugs (not likely since hubby is fine) or by whatever bug that hid in my jeans to carry out the revenge plan.


You bugs, if you think I will let you go so easily, you can wait and see.
(Went back yesterday night and scalded my jeans with boiling water)

And why on earth is that I got bitten after the chemical fumigation??!! Isn't supposed to KILL ALL THE INSECTS??!!

I think I'm really down on my luck....whatever...ARghh...


Wednesday, 2 March 2011

What an expensive month! (For my house)

First, contacted Da*kin to remove the bird nest from my air-compressor. (Finally!!!!)
Luckily they are very kind to charge it under general maintainance which means no payment needed! ^_^

Second, I just contacted Rentok*l to come and fumigate my whole house to kill all the bugs!!!
Costs a bomb! Hopefully will blow ALL the insects up!

Third, I have made arrangements with my contractor to remove my bathtub which is breeding bugs too.
Costs a lot more since we need to patch up the bathroom! *heartpain*

Lastly, I hope all unwanted guests (yes, i'm referring to u the irritating bugs!!!) will be gotten rid of now and forever!!! *praying hard*

Why can't I have some normal insects in my house like ants instead?!?!?!?! $#%!@!

Give me some peace.


Monday, 21 February 2011



It's just a simple 道理, yet we often live blindly in life.

Time to wake up and realise my dreams!

Tuesday, 15 February 2011

A Surprise gift on Valentine's Day

From my dearest hubby!!!

He came home late with nothing in his hands, I thought he REally didnt get me anything :(

Turned out that he did put in effort to give me a lovely surprise :)

LOVE! (hubby and the bag)

haha ^_^


Monday, 14 February 2011

OPI Nail Polish Frenzy (Continued)

This is yet another OPI that I bought from online spree; it is a lovely soft reddish pink with tiny sparkling orangish glitter. Loud yet soft. Nice!

OPI- Chapel of Love

And these are the nails for CNY, how appropriate! :)


Thursday, 10 February 2011

Crossroads  (Episode #1)

At this point of life, everything seems rosy and smooth-sailing on the surface.
But who will know what lies beneath. The turmoil for a direction.
Direction in life, direction in career, direction in belief.
I think I'm most likely facing a delayed quarter-life crisis. Or have been since i hit 25.

Everyday I'm trying to think of things or plans which I think will make me feel better.
Suddenly I feel like discontinuing my Japanese language course and take up photography instead.
Yes, it's that kind of impulse out of nowhere.
Maybe I'm too bored with my life. I think I need new stimulus. Yes, so do you 'see' my crisis?


Probably I should just stop everything and do nothing for a while. To see if it makes me feel 'better'. Cheers.


Wednesday, 2 February 2011

Happy Chinese New Year!!!
(in few hrs' time)

(Newly-bought "fu gui zhu")

It's time to eat, play and become fat again!
This year is my 1st year to give angpows/eat reunion dinner with my hubby's family/celebrate CNY in our cosy house + a lot of cleaning-up! Mixed feelings. Not sure what to expect, but am sure it will be an experience :) Ok, i'm going to get ready to go for the yummilicious reunion dinner!

Have a wonderful Chinese New Year!


Thursday, 27 January 2011

Lovely honey from KOI

My half-finished Honey Green Tea

Bubble tea KOI needs no further introduction; its recent appearance (with few other competitors) has revived local bubble tea scene and once again, creating queues so long, it's unbelievable (at least to non-patrons). However, I never thought I will blog about it because I had a rather bad first encounter with this bubble tea. After a 30-minute wait, I got an overly SWEET (though I chose 75% sweetness) and very normal-tasting green apple green tea in return. SO disappointed. After that, I never go near KOI anymore.

But in a twist of fate, I got to taste their Honey Milk Tea and fell in love with their HONEY!

The honey is really fragrant and lovely, and the best part is it's very comfortably sweet, just nice! (By the way, you no need to choose the sweetness % for anything with honey.)

And I'm also quite impressed by their 'pearls' because they remained soft and chewy even after standing for some time, unlike normal 'pearls' which will 'harden' after a while.

So the verdict is, yes, i will still join in the queue, only for their honey drinks. =P


Wednesday, 26 January 2011

My Healthy lifestyle

#1: Start my morning with a cup of Quakers cereal milk. Yums!

That's my orange whale 'mouse warmer' in the background.
So it's a warmer for my hand while i'm using the mouse. Love it since I have got cold hands and esp when office is cold.

#2: Korean strawberries as snack. Yummy!

Love korean strawberries because they are SWEET!!!

It's hard to eat healthily because temptations are everywhere! But well, still must try to eat well!
Actually my main aim is to cut down on my intake calories and slim down!!!


Monday, 17 January 2011

Nail polish

Recently I am also hooked on buying nail polishes, to be exact, OPI nail polishes.
It's rather expensive to buy these polishes here (2X more expensive here than in US), that's why I never got to buying them until lately when I received some vouchers to spend.

Just 1 bottle is enough to set me searching for online sprees, and I came across this rather good online spree and bought a few more bottles. And yes, I have just ordered 1 more last week and hopefully I can get it on my hands very soon :)

   The 1st one

OPI Isn't It Romantic?
Very soft pink covered in white shimmer coat, which is not obvious in the photos, but it's actually very pretty and sweet in real-life. It's from the Fairytale Bride (Soft shades) series. And I think it makes you feel like a princess from the fairy tales.

Ok, will post more photos from the other bottles too. Online shopping is such addicitve! ^_^


Wednesday, 12 January 2011

I am poisoned.

I just ordered a dress from this online shop. The second dress within a week.

I have received the first dress and am in love with it!

It's so simple, just view the dress in the website, click "buy" and tadah! arrived at your doorstep 2 days later.

Haha CNY clothes settled!

How come these dresses look so much nicer than the shops in the mall? To think that I have combed Orchard road and Bugis, yet did not manage to find a nice affordable dress like this.

Online shopping is so much better and more fun!!! ^_^

P.S. for interested ppl, this is the website